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LaNissir James

HSLDA High School Consultant

A homeschooling mom and leader, LaNissir has a passion to serve the home-educating community. For the past ten years, she has provided social, spiritual, academic, and supervisory support for Maryland homeschool families at Calvary Gospel Home Educators. She encourages and equips homeschool graduates to transition into colleges, careers, and vocational schools.

​As an HSLDA high school consultant, LaNissir loves speaking to parents to encourage and support their homeschooling with empathetic, engaging, and practical wisdom. She says, “The joy of helping a family feel confident that they can homeschool is priceless.”

She earned her BS in journalism from the University of Maryland College Park, is Myers-Briggs Type Indicator certified, and is pursuing a master’s degree in biblical studies.

LaNissir is wife to Lorenzo, who also serves the homeschooling community through sports programs, photography services, and photography classes. She is the mother of seven beautiful homeschooled children (five girls and two boys) with ages ranging from kindergarten to young adult. They enjoy road schooling and outdoor education. Her hobbies include reading, traveling, photography, and kayaking.

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